Use our tool to convert the most popular video format files using our fast and free tool. Simply click the "Upload" button below and select a video file you wish to convert. Once selected, you can select the format you would like to convert to and click "Upload" to begin the conversion.
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Please see the video conversion format section further down this page for additional video conversion information; our help page for more general help when using our video tools, or you can contact us for further help or information.
Or drag and drop your files here to upload.
A maximum of 20 files can be uploaded at once.
Here are 3 simple steps to convert your Video File using our fast and free Video File converter tool.
Yes! All Video conversion tools are 100% free to use.
Please see the video/format information section above for the full list of supported video formats. We support all the popular formats, such as MP4, AVI, and more.
Yes! Once you have selected your video file, you will be able to select from the available audio formats, such as MP3.
The tool will aim, where possible, to maintain the source video resolution and framerate (FPS) throughout the conversion process.
Our video conversion tool allows you to convert between many different types of video file formats. We allow files of up to 1GB in size; the tool will convert the file as fast as possible; however, please be patient when converting larger files, as these may take some time.
We support the most popular file formats, such as MP4, MKV, MOV, and more.
Conversion between video file formats is performed as quickly as possible while at the same time ensuring the quality of the final downloaded file is of the highest quality.
Along with converting to other video file formats, you can also extract the audio layer from any of our supported video formats. This will, for example, allow you to extract the MP3 audio layer from an MP4 video file.