Use our tool to convert the most popular 3D format files into other 3D files. Simply click the "Upload" button and then select the 3D model or mesh file you want to convert. When selected, you can choose the 3D format you would like to convert to and click "Upload" to begin converting your file. Please allow longer for larger files.
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Please see the 3D conversion format section further down this page for further 3D file/mesh conversion information, our help page for more general help when using our 3D model conversion tools, or you can contact us for further help or information.
Or drag and drop your files here to upload.
A maximum of 20 files can be uploaded at once.
Here are 3 simple steps to convert your 3D Model File using our fast and free 3D Model File converter tool.
Yes! All 3D Model conversion tools are 100% free to use.
Yes. We support formats such as XYZ, PCD, and PLY files containing only vertex information.
All 3D model files generated by our tools will work with compatible 3D modeling applications. Any specific compatibility notes or version requirements will be listed on the individual 3D tool.
Yes. We have a separate set of tools for converting from SCAD, DXF, and STEP to 3D models.
Our tool supports reading from the most common 3D formats, such as STL, 3DM, BLEND and more. Your 3D model files can be converted to most other supported formats.
Once you have selected a 3D model to convert, our tool will display a list of supported formats the model can be converted to.
Our tool will try to ensure all model geometry (vertices and faces) is converted accurately. If the model contains vertex normals, we will endeavor to bring them over.
Currently, we do not support converting model textures. If your model contains texture information, this will be ignored when the model is uploaded.
If you would like to convert a 3D model to an image, essentially taking a snapshot of the model, then after selecting your model file, you can then select an image format to save the snapshot to. Currently supported image file formats are JPG and PNG.