Free Online MP4 Converter

Here is our fast and free video converter dedicated to converting your MP4 files into other formats. Our MP4 converter can take your video file and convert it into the video format of your choice. It can also be used to "rip" the audio from the MP4 file and save it to a separate audio file format, such as MP3. If you have several MP4 files to convert, our tool supports up to 20 files per submission.

Or drag and drop your files here to upload.
A maximum of 20 files can be uploaded at once.

Please note: Your MP4 file, once uploaded to our server, will be deleted 15 minutes after upload, so please download your converted MP4 file before this time.
Our MP4 converter tool supports converting to the following file types:

Click the button above to get started converting your MP4 files. Once you have selected the files to be converted, you can select the format to convert them to. This can be either another video format or, if you just want to "rip" the audio from your MP4 file, an audio-only format. There is a setting screen accessed via the button where you can configure the screen resolution, bitrate, and quality of the final converted files.

How to Convert your MP4 file Online?

Here are 3 simple steps to convert your MP4 file using our fast and free MP4 file converter tool.

Upload your MP4 file

Click the "Select File(s)" button, then select an MP4 file to upload. The maximum file size is 100MB.

Select file type

Select the file type to convert your MP4 file to using the drop-down list of available types.

Download your file

Click the download link to receive your converted file.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it free to use the MP4 conversion tools?

Yes! Our MP4 conversion tools are 100% free to use.

Are there any MP4 conversion usage limits?

No, you can convert as many files as you wish. We do not impose any conversion limits on our MP4 conversion tools.

How long does it take to convert my MP4?

We aim to process all MP4 conversions as quickly as possible; this usually takes around 5 seconds; however, this can be longer for certain files and significantly longer for some larger file formats, so please be patient.

What does the MP4 conversion process involve?

Once your MP4 file has been uploaded and we know the file format you wish to convert it to, our bespoke conversion software will convert your MP4 and make it available for you to download with a unique download URL.

Is it safe to convert my MP4 on

Yes, of course it is! Your MP4, once converted, is deleted 1 hour after upload, and the download link will expire after this time.

Can I convert my MP4 on Linux, Android, iOS or Mac OS?

Yes! Our MP4 conversion tools will run on any system with a modern web browser.

Is there any support for me when using the MP4 tool?

If you are having difficulty converting your MP4, you can contact us, and we will try to help where possible.

MP4 file format information

Full NameMPEG-4
Mime Typevideo/mp4

An MP4 file is a modern standard format for storing high-quality motion video in a highly compact and efficient file size. The specific compression algorithm used within an MP4 file can vary from file to file; however, they all enable what would otherwise be a large amount of uncompressed data to be reduced to a fraction of the original size with little or no noticeable difference in playback quality.

Due to their widespread support, MP4 files can be loaded into most video editing applications and played with most video playback software with no additional drivers. Most video sharing sites, such as YouTube, support MP4 as a format when uploading, and most tablets and smart phones can record in the MP4 format.

Audio stored within an MP4 file is usually stored in the MP3 format, taking advantage of that format's high quality and compression capabilities.

MP4 Converter Capabilities

Our MP4 converter can both convert from and to MP4 files, and our developers are working to improve our MP4 conversion tools in future versions.

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