Our FBX to ZIP file converter will take your uploaded FBX file and compress it into a ZIP file, making it ideal to store or transmit your files while using less storage space and bandwidth. Our batch FBX to ZIP converter can compress multiple files in a single upload. The maximum number of files that can be compressed in one go is 20.
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Or drag and drop your files here to upload.
A maximum of 20 files can be uploaded at once.
Use the button above to select the FBX files you wish to upload; once selected, you can click the Upload button to start the conversion. Once all your files have been converted, you will be able to download your ZIP files either individually or all together in a compressed ZIP file.
Here are two simple steps to convert your FBX to ZIP using our fast and free FBX converter tool.
First, click the "Upload..." button and select your FBX file to upload. Your FBX file will be uploaded to our servers. When the FBX to ZIP conversion has completed, you can download your ZIP file right away.
We aim to process all FBX to ZIP conversions as quickly as possible; this usually takes around 5 seconds; however, this can be longer for certain files, so please be patient.
We aim to provide the best conversion experience. Our tools are under constant review and development, with new features being added every week.
Extension | FBX |
Full Name | Autodesk Filmbox |
Type | 3D Model |
Mime Type | application/octet-stream |
Format | Text |
Opens With | Blender, MeshLab |
FBX files are an open 3D file format developed by Autodesk for use with their Maya and 3Ds Max applications. An FBX file may contain any number of 3D objects, their associated geometry, materials, textures, animations, and more, all within a single convenient package.
The content of an FBX file is a mix of binary and ASCII text, producing a format that is both human-readable and compact. Due to their compact size, ease of use, and widespread support, FBX files are a popular choice for creating 3D animations and are also a staple in the videogame development scene.
The development of the FBX format continues to this day, with new features being included in each release. Along with being used within Autodesk's own editing solutions, FBX files can also be opened and edited in other popular 3D modeling applications, such as Blender.
FBX Converter Capabilities
When converting 3D model or mesh files using our FBX converter, we will attempt to convert color materials into a suitable format for use in the converted file.
Extension | ZIP |
Full Name | ZIP Archive |
Type | Archive |
Mime Type | application/zip |
Format | Binary |
A ZIP file is a compressed file container format that has been around for many years and has become a universal standard for compressing multiple files into a single package. Along with compressing individual files, ZIP files can also compress entire directory structures.
The compression algorithm of the ZIP format enables highly efficient compression of most file types, whether they be text, music, or images. ZIP files are a great way to group together and compress multiple files for easy storage and distribution.
As ZIP files have become a standard format for file compression, most operating systems and platforms are capable of creating and opening ZIP files without any additional software.
Our FBX file converter will compress your uploaded file to a ZIP archive, ready for download. This tool is great for compressing those large FBX files and saving yourself some hard drive space. ZIP archives can be opened later on in most operating systems, usually with no additional software.