Free Online AAC to MP3 Converter

Use our high-quality and free-to-use AAC to MP3 audio converter to convert your AAC files into MP3 files while preserving the original audio quality and bitrates of the original AAC file. Our AAC to MP3 converter can also batch convert multiple AAC files to enable you to quickly convert your music collection.

Or drag and drop your files here to upload.
A maximum of 20 files can be uploaded at once.

Please note: Your AAC file, once uploaded to our server, will be deleted 15 minutes after upload, so please download your converted AAC file before this time.

To get started, you can click the button above and select the AAC audio files you wish to convert. Once selected, you can adjust the bitrate of the generated MP3 files if you wish by clicking the button. It is possible to reduce the bitrate if you are looking to reduce the file size of your existing AAC files.

How to Convert your AAC to MP3 Online?

Here are two simple steps to convert your AAC to MP3 using our fast and free AAC converter tool.

Upload your AAC file

Click the "Upload a AAC File" button, then select a AAC to upload. The maximum file size is 100MB.

Download your MP3

Click the download link to receive your MP3 file.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I convert my AAC file to MP3?

First, click the "Upload..." button and select your AAC file to upload. Your AAC file will be uploaded to our servers. When the AAC to MP3 conversion has completed, you can download your MP3 file right away.

How long does it take to convert my AAC to MP3?

We aim to process all AAC to MP3 conversions as quickly as possible; this usually takes around 5 seconds; however, this can be longer for certain files, so please be patient.

How accurate is the AAC to MP3 conversion?

We aim to provide the best conversion experience. Our tools are under constant review and development, with new features being added every week.

File format information for AAC and MP3

Full NameAdvanced Audio Coding
Mime Typeaudio/aac

An AAC file is a highly efficient and modern format for storing audio data. Its intention is to improve on existing formats such as MP3 by introducing a more effective compression algorithm while at the same time preserving the quality of the original audio data.

This improved efficiency has meant the AAC format has become widely adopted within the fields of digital music, audio books, and other online audio services. The compression outperforms other comparable audio formats while providing similar quality at reduced bit rates.

The emergence of AAC as an alternative audio file format, along with its adoption by many big names in the industry, has meant support for the format in both the audio editing and playback arenas has gained significant traction.

Full NameMPEG-2 Audio Layer III
Mime Typeaudio/mpeg

MP3 files are a well-known file format for the storage and playback of music and digital audio. The MP3 format has been around for a long time and has become a standard format for music. Despite newer formats arriving, such as AAC, MP3 still remains the primary choice for digital music playback.

It's highly efficient compression methods allow what would otherwise be very large audio data to be compressed down to a fraction of its size with little noticeable difference in quality. The quality, or bit rate, can be specified from 96KB/s (low quality) to 320KB/s (high quality). Naturally, the higher the bit rate, the larger the final MP3 file.

MP3 files are synonymous with digital music and are therefore supported by all major audio and music editing and playback software. Major operating systems and platforms often have built-in support for the playback of MP3 files.

Information for converting from AAC to MP3

Our AAC to MP3 will attempt to convert these audio format files with little or no loss in quality. You can upload audio files up to 100MB in size; however, with large AAC files, please allow time for converting to a MP3.

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