Our tool can convert your images instantly to other image and vector formats. The tool can also convert an image into a 3D model using a similar process used for creating 3D heightmap models.
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Please see the image conversion section further down this page for additional information when converting your image files; our help page for more general help when using our image tools, or you can contact us for further help or information.
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Here are 3 simple steps to convert your Image File using our fast and free Image File converter tool.
Yes! All Image conversion tools are 100% free to use.
Please see the image conversion section above for the full list. We support all the popular formats, such as PNG, JPG, HEIC, and many more.
Yes. We have a Image to SVG tool, which will take your bitmap image and convert it to the SVG vector format. The tool will attempt to trace around shapes found in your image file to create a high-definition vector graphic.
The tool will maintain the source image resolution throughout the conversion process. There may be technical limitations on certain older image formats where the resolution or colour depth cannot be transferred over; these formats will indicate any limitations before the conversion.
We support image conversions between the most popular image formats. We support lossy compression formats such as JPEG, lossless compression formats such as PNG and uncompressed formats such as BMP.
These formats, such as JPEG sacrifice image quality in order to keep the file size as low as possible. With most JPEG files, the compression is unnoticeable to the human eye and can reduce the size of the file significantly.
When converting an image file to a format such as JPEG, we aim to maintain the best balance of quality and file compression size so your images still look great after the conversion.
These formats, such as PNG can reduce a file size by clever compression of image data that doesn't result in a loss of image quality. These formats are ideally suited for company logos and other high-definition artwork.
When converting an image file to a format such as PNG our tool will ensure the best image quality is maintained during the conversion.
With uncompressed formats such as BMP, there is no loss of image quality during the conversion. The downside to this is that the resulting image files can be quite large compared to lossy and lossless compressed images.
Our 2D to 3D conversion tool uses a Heightmap process of analysing the pixels in your image and assigning a height from this to the resulting model.
The 3D files created can be 3D printed or sent to 3D mesh editing packages such as Blender and Daz Studio for further processing.