Here is our fast and free video converter dedicated to converting your MOV files into other formats. Our MOV converter can take your video file and convert it into the video format of your choice. It can also be used to "rip" the audio from the MOV file and save it to a separate audio file format, such as MP3. If you have several MOV files to convert, our tool supports up to 20 files per submission.
Or drag and drop your files here to upload.
A maximum of 20 files can be uploaded at once.
Click the button above to get started converting your MOV files. Once you have selected the files to be converted, you can select the format to convert them to. This can be either another video format or, if you just want to "rip" the audio from your MOV file, an audio-only format. There is a setting screen accessed via the button where you can configure the screen resolution, bitrate, and quality of the final converted files.
Here are 3 simple steps to convert your MOV file using our fast and free MOV file converter tool.
Yes! Our MOV conversion tools are 100% free to use.
No, you can convert as many files as you wish. We do not impose any conversion limits on our MOV conversion tools.
We aim to process all MOV conversions as quickly as possible; this usually takes around 5 seconds; however, this can be longer for certain files and significantly longer for some larger file formats, so please be patient.
Once your MOV file has been uploaded and we know the file format you wish to convert it to, our bespoke conversion software will convert your MOV and make it available for you to download with a unique download URL.
Yes, of course it is! Your MOV, once converted, is deleted 20 minutes after upload, and the download link will expire after this time.
Yes! Our MOV conversion tools will run on any system with a modern web browser.
If you are having difficulty converting your MOV, you can contact us, and we will try to help where possible.
Extension | MOV |
Full Name | QuickTime File Format |
Type | Video |
Mime Type | video/quicktime |
Format | Binary |
A MOV file is a multimedia video file that Apple first created for their QuickTime media playback application. A MOV file can contain audio and video in a highly compressed format, using a number of different codecs for maximum flexibility.
Internally, a MOV file is arranged as a series of independent tracks. These tracks can contain audio and video; allowing these two different data types to be separated ensures playback is always in sync.
Although there are other popular formats, such as MP4, MOV files are still very much in demand due to their flexibility, and with the backing of Apple, this ensures there is widespread support for the format amongst video editing software.
MOV Converter Capabilities
Our MOV converter can both convert from and to MOV files, and our developers are working to improve our MOV conversion tools in future versions.