Free Online WEBP to QOI Converter

Our image converter tool can quickly convert your WEBP to QOI while maintaining the highest level of quality and can accept up to 20 files at one time using our batch image file processor. When your QOI image files are ready, you can either download them individually or, for convenience, combine them within a ZIP file.

Or drag and drop your files here to upload.
A maximum of 20 files can be uploaded at once.

Please note: Your WEBP file, once uploaded to our server, will be deleted 15 minutes after upload, so please download your converted WEBP file before this time.

Once you've selected your WEBP files for upload, our image converter tool will provide you with the option to customize the processing of your images. To configure this, once you have selected an image, you will see a button, which you can click to reveal a set of image conversion options. These options include the ability to resize and rotate your image and to apply a grayscale or negative filter to your WEBP.

How to Convert your WEBP to QOI Online?

Here are two simple steps to convert your WEBP to QOI using our fast and free WEBP converter tool.

Upload your WEBP file

Click the "Upload a WEBP File" button, then select a WEBP to upload. The maximum file size is 100MB.

Download your QOI

Click the download link to receive your QOI file.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I convert my WEBP file to QOI?

First, click the "Upload..." button and select your WEBP file to upload. Your WEBP file will be uploaded to our servers. When the WEBP to QOI conversion has completed, you can download your QOI file right away.

How long does it take to convert my WEBP to QOI?

We aim to process all WEBP to QOI conversions as quickly as possible; this usually takes around 5 seconds; however, this can be longer for certain files, so please be patient.

How accurate is the WEBP to QOI conversion?

We aim to provide the best conversion experience. Our tools are under constant review and development, with new features being added every week.

Is there any loss in quality when converting my WEBP file?

If you are converting your WEBP file to a format that implements lossy compression, then yes, the quality will be reduced; however, the loss in quality is usually not noticeable and can result in much smaller file sizes.

Will the conversion affect the resolution of my converted WEBP file?

No. When converting your WEBP file, our tool will not perform any resizing of your image, and the resulting file will have the same resolution as your uploaded WEBP file.

File format information for WEBP and QOI

Full NameWebP
Mime Typeimage/webp
Opens WithPaint.Net, Photoshop

A WebP file is a next-generation image file format designed for the web. It allows large and highly detailed photographic-quality images to be stored using a very small file size, making it an ideal format for use by websites where bandwidth comes at a premium.

It's aim is to replace other photographic formats, such as JPEG, by offering similar levels of compression and quality while offering a superior reduction in file size. As well as storing static images, the WEBP format can also store animations, making it a great alternative to the traditional animated GIF format.

As the WEBP format is still relatively new, support for it is best found in modern image editing applications or those that benefit from regular updates.

Full NameQuite OK Image Format
Mime Typeimage/qoi

Information for converting from WEBP to QOI

Our WEBP imaging tool will accurately convert your WEBP file into a QOI image file using our high-quality internal 2D rendering to create your final QOI ready for download. Your WEBP file will be analysed pixel by pixel in order to produce the most accurate conversion possible.

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