Here is our free and easy-to-use ZIP file converter tool. With this tool, you can effortlessly convert your ZIP file to a number of other file formats. Our ZIP tool also comes with the ability to batch convert up to 20 ZIP files at one time, making it easy to convert your files quickly.
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Or drag and drop your files here to upload.
A maximum of 20 files can be uploaded at once.
To begin, click the button above and select the ZIP files you would like to convert. Once you have selected your files, you can set the file format you would like to convert them to. You can either set these individually or all at once using the bulk option at the top. If the file you are converting your ZIP file to has any relevant configuration options, these can be accessed by clicking the button.
Here are 3 simple steps to convert your ZIP file using our fast and free ZIP file converter tool.
Yes! Our ZIP conversion tools are 100% free to use.
No, you can convert as many files as you wish. We do not impose any conversion limits on our ZIP conversion tools.
We aim to process all ZIP conversions as quickly as possible; this usually takes around 5 seconds; however, this can be longer for certain files and significantly longer for some larger file formats, so please be patient.
Once your ZIP file has been uploaded and we know the file format you wish to convert it to, our bespoke conversion software will convert your ZIP and make it available for you to download with a unique download URL.
Yes, of course it is! Your ZIP, once converted, is deleted 20 minutes after upload, and the download link will expire after this time.
Yes! Our ZIP conversion tools will run on any system with a modern web browser.
If you are having difficulty converting your ZIP, you can contact us, and we will try to help where possible.
Extension | ZIP |
Full Name | ZIP Archive |
Type | Archive |
Mime Type | application/zip |
Format | Binary |
A ZIP file is a compressed file container format that has been around for many years and has become a universal standard for compressing multiple files into a single package. Along with compressing individual files, ZIP files can also compress entire directory structures.
The compression algorithm of the ZIP format enables highly efficient compression of most file types, whether they be text, music, or images. ZIP files are a great way to group together and compress multiple files for easy storage and distribution.
As ZIP files have become a standard format for file compression, most operating systems and platforms are capable of creating and opening ZIP files without any additional software.
ZIP Converter Capabilities
Our ZIP converter can both convert from and to ZIP files, and our developers are working to improve our ZIP conversion tools in future versions.