Free Online SKP to PLY Converter

You can use our SKP to PLY conversion tool to quickly and easily convert your 3D model files for free. You may upload up to 20 files at one time, and our batch SKP to PLY converter will process each 3D model and present you with a download link for each file once completed.

Or drag and drop your files here to upload.
A maximum of 20 files can be uploaded at once.

Please note: Your SKP file, once uploaded to our server, will be deleted 15 minutes after upload, so please download your converted SKP file before this time.

Our 3D model SKP to PLY tool will load your SKP file and, where supported, attempt to extract all the relevant 3D features, such as geometry, textures, and animations. To access the 3D conversion configuration options, click the button when you have selected your files. The current options support the ability to voxelize your 3D model and more.

How to Convert your SKP to PLY Online?

Here are two simple steps to convert your SKP to PLY using our fast and free SKP converter tool.

Upload your SKP file

Click the "Upload a SKP File" button, then select a SKP to upload. The maximum file size is 100MB.

Download your PLY

Click the download link to receive your PLY file.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I convert my SKP file to PLY?

First, click the "Upload..." button and select your SKP file to upload. Your SKP file will be uploaded to our servers. When the SKP to PLY conversion has completed, you can download your PLY file right away.

How long does it take to convert my SKP to PLY?

We aim to process all SKP to PLY conversions as quickly as possible; this usually takes around 5 seconds; however, this can be longer for certain files, so please be patient.

How accurate is the conversion to the PLY 3D point cloud format?

Our SKP conversion tool will extract only the vertex data from your SKP file. This will then be used to create the final PLY file.

How does converting SKP to PLY work?

In order to successfully convert an SKP formatted file to the PLY format, our converter tools will perform several initial checks to ensure the file provided is indeed an SKP file. There are many files out there where the file type extension does not match the data contained within the file. Along with these file type checks, our tools will do additional checks to ensure the file is correctly formatted to match the provided file type. There are many tools out there that do not always create SKP files to the exact specification.

Take your SKP file

An SKP file is a binary data file containing 3D data that makes up the 3D model, including vertices, faces, texture coordinates, and more. To guarantee efficient conversions, our tool will check all data that is contained within the SKP file and remove any information that is duplicated. This not only ensures the conversion completes more quickly, but also the generated PLY file size is smaller.

Convert the data from SKP to PLY

Now that the data from the SKP file has been processed, our tool can apply any conversion specified options, such as enabling Voxel mode, and with these applied, prepare the data to be converted to the final PLY file format. Part of this process ensures checking the capabilities of the PLY format and removing any data that cannot be represented.

Save to the PLY format

At this point, the SKP to PLY conversion tool will have the 3D model in a state that is ready to be transferred to the PLY format. Our tool creates the PLY file, ensuring all the model data is present and is formatted to match the PLY file specification to ensure the file opens in compatible PLY file editors.

File format information for SKP and PLY

Full NameSketchUp
Type3D Model
Mime Typeapplication/octet-stream

A SKP file is the native file format for the popular SketchUp 3D modelling application. SketchUp is a growing platform, popular with industrial architechs and 3D design enthusiasts alike who like the ease with which complex 3D models can be produced.

The SKP format is capable of storing complex 3D models and their associated geometric data, such as vertices, edges, faces, materials, and much more. The format is well supported, and it receives updates containing new features on a regular basis.

Due to its popularity, the SKP format is supported by many 3D modelling applications via an import option, and where an import option may be missing, our own SKP conversion tools can convert to and from the most popular 3D formats.

SKP Converter Capabilities

When converting 3D model or mesh files using our SKP converter, we will attempt to convert colour materials into a suitable format for use in the converted file.

Full NameStanford Triangle Format
Type3D Model/Point Cloud
Mime Typeapplication/octet-stream
Opens WithBlender, MeshLab

The PLY format, also known as the Standard Triangle Format, is a popular 3D model file format originally created by Stanford University in the 1990s as a means to store 3D model data in a flexible and expandable format. There can be both binary and ASCII text formats in PLY files.

Both binary and text formats share a common header section that defines what geometric attributes (such as vertices, normals, faces, and colours) are present in the data. It is also possible to specify custom data to be associated with a vertex or object face.

PLY files can be opened with a wide range of 3D editing software; for example, Blender can both import and export to the PLY format with no additional software required.

PLY Converter Capabilities

When converting your SKP to PLY, our tool will attempt to accurately convert any colour or material information.

Information for converting from SKP to PLY

Your SKP file will be converted to a PLY file using our unified 3D model and mesh conversion tool. Our SKP 3D tool performs accurate conversions of 3D elements such as vertices, faces, normals, and relevant material information. As both SKP and PLY support colour material information, our tool will also attempt to convert the colour information.

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